Helping Government Teams Modernize Their Workforce

The Challenge

One of the most essential aspects of a successful organization is having a strong, well-equipped team. And yet most governments fail to effectively hire, onboard, and retain top talent.

In their efforts to improve digital service delivery, the State of Connecticut (CT) recognized this staffing challenge. Without a skilled in-house team, they aren’t able to support modern technology, streamline processes, or design services that meet users’ needs.

The Project

The State of CT engaged Bloom to identify gaps in their talent management, and provide recommendations for moving forward. We rolled up our sleeves to observe hiring processes and documentation. This initial discovery helped inform a more comprehensive approach to closing talent gaps.

We engaged in a research sprint to help CT establish a vision for where they want to be, understand where they are now in relation, and chart a course forward. As part of this research sprint, Bloom and partners:

  • Held a talent modernization workshop with CT stakeholders to develop a shared vision and gain a clear understanding of current gaps and needs
  • Interviewed key leaders of existing digital service teams
  • Documented relevant experiences in CT with hiring, onboarding, and managing digital service teams
  • Compiled models for digital service teams from relevant governments and organizations, as well as the practical experience of the team
  • Conducted additional workforce development research to identify and incorporate industry best practices

The Result

From the research gathered during the sprint, Bloom worked with partners to create a Digital Talent Management Handbook -- a comprehensive guide to recruiting and retaining digital talent and modernizing the skillsets of current employees. The guide includes research and strategies that lead to high engagement and high performance, including practical tips on sharing information, collaborating, dividing responsibilities, learning from failures, and encouraging new ideas.

Services Used

  • Discovery Sprint
  • Technical Discovery
  • Talent Strategy

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