Can ground-level research inform the development of strategy and policy at scale?

Washington Thriving
Using discovery sprints to inform a statewide plan to improve behavioral health outcomes in children and young adults.

Moving Toward a Kin-First Model of Child Welfare

Washington State Department of Children, Youth, and Families
Collaboratively designing a way to keep children in need close to their communities.

A Path to Fixing Unemployment Insurance

New America’s New Practice Lab
Created a living playbook to build on states’ successes to streamline assistance for those who lost their jobs.

Building California’s Vision for Technology in 2023

The State of California’s Department of Technology
Creating a plan for more efficient, inclusive, and accessible public services

Telehealth: A Solution for Safer Health Care During COVID-19

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)
Quickly generating accessible and user-focused health content for the American public

Improving City Government’s Communication with Black, Indigenous, and Other People of Color (BIPOC)

City of Springfield, MA
Developing a communication strategy and implementation toolkit to increase transparency and accountability

Helping Families and Childcare Providers Access Critical COVID-19 Information

Connecticut Office of Early Childhood
Rapidly developing and coordinating essential communication

Using technology to improve the lives of young children and families

Connecticut Office of Early Childhood
Overhauling a website for an organization that impacts more than 200,000 kids

Helping Connecticut Transform Digital Services

The State of Connecticut
Creating a roadmap to help Connecticut serve their constituents more efficiently and effectively

Testing Solutions That Help Families Access Child Care

Connecticut Office of Early Childhood
Streamlining communication to help parents apply for affordable child care

Finding Ways to Improve the U.S. Organ Donation System

Investigating the technology and practices behind the organ donation system

Discovering Ways Technology Could Help Foster Youth Aging Out of Care

Think Of Us
Identifying opportunities to improve outcomes for youth as they leave the foster care system

Designing a More Effective, Safer Way to Share Data

The State of Connecticut
Helping Connecticut improve policies and services through better data sharing practices

Finding Opportunities to Support Families Experiencing Homelessness

The State of Connecticut
Investigating the complex challenges for families facing housing instability

Helping Local Governments Improve Online Services

Several cities and counties
Organizing government services and information to meet user needs

Supporting Better Police Reporting Through Strategic Storytelling

Developing actionable communication strategies to spur greater engagement to end police violence

Building a user-friendly data collection tool for early childhood education providers

Connecticut Office of Early Education
Designing better data collection to help improve childcare services

Helping Government Teams Modernize Their Workforce

The State of Connecticut
Developing hiring, onboarding, and training best practices to attract and retain critical talent

Generating Greater Awareness for Tech and Data Work

The State of Connecticut
Using strategic communication to build awareness and buy-in for critical digital services

Improving Interactions Between the City of Philadelphia and Its Constituents

City of Philadelphia
Finding solutions that enable businesses and citizens to work more seamlessly with city government

Putting Agile Procurement into Practice

State of Connecticut
Revolutionizing procurement to deliver quick and effective results

Building Capacity for Clear Communication

Connecticut Office of Early Childhood
Providing training and tools on writing for the web

Helping a New Leader Assess Organizational Needs and Opportunities

Knight Foundation
Identifying internal challenges, as well as opportunities and areas for improvement, to better serve the organization’s vision

Building Momentum for Organ Donation Reform

Visualizing data on organ procurement organization performance

Improving Social Service Benefits Delivery

State of Connecticut
Making benefits available to more families by creating more cross-agency collaboration.


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